Christian Formation

224 - Fearing God

Season 9 Episode 9

In this episode we seek to trace the theme of choosing/fearing God, or choosing evil. From Eve in the garden, to the midwives, to prophets, to Jesus, we see choices for good or evil throughout the Scriptures. And we too have a choice - trust God or trust the snake’s deception.

- Sunday Exodus Sermons

Bible Reading Tip
- Ask yourself, have I seen something like this before? When you recognize a theme or a strange story in the Bible.

If someone is struggling in their awe and reverence for the Lord and choosing to please man, where should you start?

  1. Pray that the spirit would convict you of sin and reveal Jesus to you
  2. Just do the hard thing
  3. Read some helpful books on God's nature
    1. Knowing God by JI Packer
  4. Give yourself some time to build the muscles of choosing God. You have to start to consistently do it.

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